We strongly condemn the atrocities of police against the people protesting against CAA and NRC, in the BJP ruled states. They are trying to stifle the protests using police power and cruelty.
More than 30 people have already been shot dead by the police in the BJP ruled states of Assam, UP and Karnataka. 19 were killed in UP alone followed by 5 in Assam and 2 in Karnataka.

No police atrocities against the protesters are reported from any other non-BJP ruled states, despite massive public protests.
Police violence in UP has crossed all limits. Muslim houses are raided day and night by the police. Doors are forcefully broken and police barged into houses, particularly during night. Women are attacked and manhandled by male police.
Reliable sources report that 5558 persons were detained, 1113 were arrested and 227 cases registered. It is also reported that civilians wearing police uniform are also engaged in this violence.
SDPI has been in the forefront of the protests against the draconian CAA and NRC aimed to alienate a particular community and divide the people on the basis of religion, since the CAB was firstly approved by Central cabinet and passed in the Loksabha.
The protest turned out to be a massive national public agitation as the JamiaMillia students came to the front of the protest daring the police attack on them.
Reputed social activists like Adv. MohdShoib, President, RehaiManch, Former IG of Police SR Dara Puri, Robin Verma, Kabir, Sadaf Zafar, Mohd. Waseem etc were arrested on false charges for joining the protest.
We warned the governments leading the democracy of dire consequences lest they abstain from committing the unbridled police atrocities against the protesters.


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