SDPI Organized Statewide Protests Demanding Immediate Payment of Pension Arrears to Various Pensioners

Press Release
31 August 2020

The life of Pensioners in Karnataka is in distress due to non-payment of pension amount since last 7-8 months as they are economically dependent on pensions under the schemes like Maithri, Sandhya Suraksha, Manaswini, physically disabled pension, Widows pension, old age pension, etc. Monthly pensions for more than 3.5 lakhs of pensioners stalled without reasons. It’s a common scene in the state that the pensioners are roaming pillar to post in government offices in every district like Taluk Offices, Revenue offices wherein appealing the officers in panic, said Elyas Muhammad Thumbe, State President, SDPI, Karnataka.

Nevertheless, the updating of Data of the pensioners is also not under process in the concerned offices and hence the pensioners coming from villages have to return in vain even without having money to bear their travelling expenses. This misappropriation of the government lead the pensioners as debtors to bear their routine expenses. It’s a hard fact that the pensioners cannot lead their life without pension. The state government has to consider this as very seriously. There are several cases in many districts that even after 2 – 3 years of sanction order of pension by the government, payment has not been made in a single instance.

Elyas Thumbe said, Social Democratic Party of India – SDPI organized statewide protests to demand the government to pay the arrears of the pensioners immediately and to make smart and prompt arrangements to complete the updation of data of the pensioners.


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