Zaibunnisa, a student from Uppinangadi studying at Model Minority Residential School in K R Pet allegedly hanged herself to death in the hostel. In connection with this case, there were allegations that Ravi, the physical education teacher at the school, was harassing her. Attempts to cover up the case were on a grand scale then. The SDPI party had brought it into discussion all over the state by making a big fight against it. S.D.P.I party’s Abdul Majeed led the agitations and ensured that a case was registered and succeeded in getting a compensation of Rs 5 lakh to the family of the deceased student. Now the court has sentenced the accused Ravi to 2 years of rigorous imprisonment and to pay a fine of 50,000 and also to pay a compensation of two lakhs to the victim’s family. This is a clear victory for the fight of the SDPI party.


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