Israel’s goal is the genocide of the Palestinians. The use of White Passer chemical weapons and attacks on hospitals reinforce this. The whole world including India should stand against the cruelty of these Zionists.

Bengaluru, 14 October 2023: Israel, illegally occupying Palestine, has been exploiting Palestinians for the past 70 years. Now it is engaged in a barbaric genocide to eliminate the Palestinians forever. This is confirmed by Zionist Israel’s use of White Phosphor chemical weapons in the ongoing conflict and attacks on hospitals that have killed around 800 people. In its press release, the Social Democratic Party of India (SDPI) said that the whole world, including India, should stand against this cruelty.

During the Second World War, Israel slyly took away the land of the Palestinians, who were struggling to find a foothold after being exploited by Hitler, along with America. Today the Palestinians are destitute in their land and are forced to fight for their freedom against the invaders. In its release, SDPI said that the SDPI respects the freedom struggle of the Palestinians who have been risking their lives against Israeli encroachment, oppression, and violence for nearly seven decades since 1948.

The Palestinians were the only ones who thought of giving the idea of ​​humanitarian resettlement to the Jews who were shaken by Hitler’s persecution and massacres. Other than that, no other country in the world had come to their aid at that time. But the Israelites betrayed their protectors and within a few years wrested their land from the Palestinians. In the end, they gave the Palestinians two pieces of land, the West Bank and Gaza, hundreds of kilometers apart, with Israel in between. Today, the Gaza Strip is one of the most densely populated areas in the world, with about 5,500 people living there in one square kilometer. SDPI said it was the biggest betrayal in the history of mankind.

Zionist Israel is now launching its biggest offensive against the already crushed Palestinians. The people there are suffering and being killed by cutting off water, food, electricity, and gas supply. If the world does not stop this, it will be the world’s biggest defeat. History will never forgive the Modi government if the world’s largest democracy like India sits as a mute spectator to such a genocide due to the anti-Muslim mindset of the ruling party here. From 1947 till now, from Nehru’s time to Vajpayee’s successor to Manmohan Singh, India has stood by the rights of the Palestinians. It is a tragedy that the BJP is going to change this policy because of its grudges. SDPI feels that it is a betrayal of humanity.

We hereby request the Indian government and all countries of the world to stop this genocide of Palestinians, including India, and the whole world should stand against this aggression of Zionist Israelis, SDPI has demanded in its announcement.


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