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Press Release

Dalit children being forced into cleaning septic tank and video recording of girl students changing clothes in Malur’s Morarji Residential School is a shame for civil society: Abdul Majeed, State President, SDPI

Bengaluru, 18 December 2023: In Morarji Residential School at Yalavahalli in Malur taluk of Kolar district, it was shocking to see the Dalit children being lowered into a pit of feces, and shooting videos of female students changing their clothes and videos of children being brutalized. Abdul Majeed, the State President of the Social Democratic Party of India (SDPI) expressed his outrage through his press release saying that this is a case where the civil society should keep its head down.

A large number of children enrolled in government residential schools belong to economically disadvantaged Dalits, backward and minority communities. Majeed said in his statement that the teachers and staff who commit such atrocities on these children who come with dreams of a better future cannot be called human.

Suppose the Social Welfare Department and Education Department officials perform their duties properly. In that case, such cases come to light before they cause a lot of harm and the children can be spared from further cruelty and violence. But these officers who don’t come out of their AC rooms children go through this kind of violence. In his statement, Majeed demanded that action be taken against these officials along with the teachers and staff of the residential school.


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