BJP Conspired to Create Unrest in the state through Shringeri Incident : SDPI

Press meet held at SDPI Head Office, Bangalore.
Date: 14th August 2020

SDPI condemns the conspiracy of the BJP to create unrest in the state by putting Flags on Shankaracharya statue in Shringeri and accusing SDPI and Muslim community. It’s evident that one Jeevaraj who is BJP Ex MLA had threatened the police officer in the public that the flag was put by SDPI workers and if the police don’t arrest them immediately there will be dire consequences. Police took two Muslim youths and kept them under their custody throughout the night. Later, after going through the CCTV footages of the local Masjid, it has been found that one local youth Milind was the culprit in this incident. He trespassed into the Masjid, stole the flag and put on to the statue of Shankaracharya. Milind is BJP RSS member and has close links with Jeevaraj. SDPI demands that Jeevaraj must be arrested and the police should reveal the motive behind the conspiracy and also about the persons involved. State Home Minister Basavaraj Bommai had told a Bajarangdal leader and BJP member Sharan Pumpwell as “I will remove all the cases filed on you”. This is a clear evidence that the state government is hand in gloves with the criminals. One cannot expect peace in the state with this Home Minister and by the state government as they are in close nexus with the conspiracies and criminal activities of Sangh Parivar.
SDPI will resort to legal action against the Home Minister who is supporting the criminals.
SDPI vehemently condemns the violent incidents happened in Kaval Bairasandra, Bangalore. Criminal intent of Naveen and negligence of the police are the real causes for such untoward incident. SDPI demands that the state government shall order for Judicial enquiry by the sitting High Court Judge. It is clearly visible that BJP has conspired the violence keeping eye on upcoming BBMP and assembly elections. BJP’s intention is to divide Muslim-Dalith united vote bank in Pulikeshi Nagar Constituency by creating chaos so to attract votes towards them creating insecurity among the public. Also, the conflict between local MLA and a faction within the party might be added fuel in the havoc situation. SDPI demands that all these angles must be investigated so that conspiracies behind the violence will be revealed.
The statements of the state Home Minister regarding SDPI is condemnable as he said those words with prejudiced mindset. This is nothing but a part of a trick to divert the minds of the people to hush up the failures of the police and the government. SDPI will fight legally against such anti-democratic moves.

Present in the Press Meet:
Elyas Muhammad Thumbe (State President,)
Adv. Abdul Majeed Khan (Vice President)
Ashraf Machar (State Secretary,)
Abrar Ahmad (Member, State Working Committee, media coordinator)


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