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Party joining program headed by the State Treasurer in Kavitala town of Manvi taluk of Raichur district.More than 50 youth and seniors joined the SDPI party in Kavitala town of Manvi talk in Raichur district. At the same event, a new committee was formed for the town. Mohammad Fayaz was elected as President and Chand Pasha as Vice President. Mustafa was named Secretary, Rasool as Assistant Secretary, and Mohammad Amir as Treasurer.The State Treasurer of the party Syed Ishaq Hussain (Khalid) who was invited as the chief guest in this program spoke and explained the need and principles of the party. Mir Ali, another guest who is District Committee Member explained the party’s ideology.SDPI Taluk Organizing Secretary Jilani was present in this program. The anchoring was done by Meer Ali.


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