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“Bold steps towards 15th year of self-respect and pro-people politics” 15th Formation Day Celebration


“Politics which is inherited through movement and struggles is a very difficult path. SDPI is the only political party that has matured leadership from among the people and responds to every suffering and pain of the people, hits the streets and fights for the cause of the people wherever necessary, and stands first in serving people even in a situation where our lives are on the line. It is a matter of pride for all of us to be a part of a party like SDPI with such a great cause. Today we have completed 14 years and are entering the 15th year of this goal. On this occasion, we must remember all those who worked hard and sacrificed for the principle of this party. Heartfelt thanks from all of us to all the workers who are working for the party every moment and best wishes on the 15th foundation day. Happy 15th Foundation Day.”

~Abdul Majeed,
State President, SDPI Karnataka
#SDPIFormationDay #21stJune #SDPIKarnataka #15thFormationDay


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